Coffee Sustainability

The Sustainability of coffee and the coffee industry begins with understanding that it is reliant on improving the lives of the people who are at the heart of the growing and production process. In many coffee producing nations, it is the small-holder farmers who produce the highest volume of coffee and account for the highest volume of exports. These communities face the largest challenges and need the most assistance.


Developing a sustainable coffee economy

...Coffee also makes a positive contribution on the social side to maintaining substantial rural employment and stable communities. Improving the living standards of coffee producers, especially smallholders, is a priority for Governments, as highlighted at the last World Coffee Conference....


Papua New GuineA

Industry Awaiting Government Support

... “Clearly, agriculture is a social safety net for our people as they are not on doles or any other safety benefits and coffee provides that for about 3.5 million people in Papua New Guinea.”...

Agriculture Minister Hon Tommy Tomscoll


This revealing report was prepared by Global Coffee Platform, IDH Sustainable Trade Initiative, Specialty Coffee Association of America and Sustainable Coffee Challenge.  The study was designed to shed more light on the tremendous efforts already underway to advance sustainability in the coffee sector and to catalyse the additional collaboration and investment necessary to achieve sustainability objectives. The group collaborated with over 8o respondents in an attempt to organise work being undertaken into a coherent strategy that recognizes the role and contribution of participants throughout the sector – retailers, roasters, traders, producers, governments, certification organizations, NGOs and many others. 

Please consider making a donation to Tom's Foundation. 100% of all donations received in our account will go to Tom's Foundation which was established to provide coffee producing communities with much needed support in day-to-day areas of life as they move towards longer term sustainability.

Tom's Foundation is registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission ABN 65624241505.